(b) Peak and (c) mean atomic oxygen densities as a function of the peak-to-peak value of the applied voltage waveform for different N. The data are measured at positions y = 0.5 mm and z = -15 mm. The O2 admixture concentration is fixed at 0.5 %. The powered electrode is located at x = 0, while the grounded electrode is at x = 1 mm. The base frequency is f0 = 13.56 MHz. The waveform type is “peaks”.
Experimental data are marked as exp
Calculated data are marked as calc
Figure 11 a)
Harmonics used: 1(red), 2(olive green) and 4(blue)
Voltage is varied between 325 Vpp – 550 Vpp
x (Vpp),y (exp peak atomic oxygen densities (cm-3)),
Figure 11 b)
Harmonics used: 1(red), 2(olive green) and 4(blue)
Voltage is varied between 325 Vpp – 550 Vpp
x (Vpp),y (exp mean atomic oxygen densities (cm-3)),