Normalized (to the maximum value of each data set) spatio-temporal emission plots obtained from wavelength integrated and wavelength selective PROES (columns) at various N_2 gas flows (rows). The powered electrode is located at x = 0, while the grounded electrode is located at x = 1 mm. The driving frequency, voltage amplitude, and the He flow are f = 13.56 MHz, φ = 315 V, and 1 slm, respectively.
Experimental data are marked as exp
Simulation data are marked as sim
x [t/TRf] , y[mm]
(Figure2a, 2e, 2i): exp Exc rate [a. u.] Wavelength integrated for 0.5sccm, 2.5sccm and 5sccm respectively
(Figure2b, 2f, 2j): exp Exc. Rate [a. u.] Filter 390nm for 0.5sccm, 2.5sccm and 5sccm respectively
(Figure2c, 2g, 2k): exp Exc. Rate [a. u.] Filter 650nm for 0.5sccm, 2.5sccm and 5sccm respectively
(Figure2d, 2h, 2l): exp Exc. Rate [a. u.] Filter 700nm for 0.5sccm, 2.5sccm and 5sccm respectively
24 files in this archive
- Figure2a.csv
- __MACOSX/._Figure2a.csv
- Figure2b.csv
- __MACOSX/._Figure2b.csv
- Figure2c.csv
- __MACOSX/._Figure2c.csv
- Figure2d.csv
- __MACOSX/._Figure2d.csv
- Figure2e.csv
- __MACOSX/._Figure2e.csv
- Figure2f.csv
- __MACOSX/._Figure2f.csv
- Figure2g.csv
- __MACOSX/._Figure2g.csv
- Figure2h.csv
- __MACOSX/._Figure2h.csv
- Figure2i.csv
- __MACOSX/._Figure2i.csv
- Figure2j.csv
- __MACOSX/._Figure2j.csv
- Figure2k.csv
- __MACOSX/._Figure2k.csv
- Figure2l.csv
- __MACOSX/._Figure2l.csv