Effective secondary electron yields for different surface materials in capacitively coupled plasmas Project: SFB TR 87Authors: F. BeckfeldR. MasheyevaA. DerzsiD. SchulenbergI. KorolovC. BockJ. SchulzeZ. DonkóPlasma Science FundamentalsPlasma Modeling and SimulationPlasma for Materials / Surfaces zip
Fiber PROES: Phase Resolved Optical Emission Spectroscopy via optical fibers for knowledge-based plasma process development and Project: SFB TR 87Authors: F. BeckfeldM. JanssenC. NeurothI. KorolovJ. SchulzePlasma Science Fundamentals zip
Energy efficiency of reactive species generation in radio frequency atmospheric pressure plasma jets driven by tailored voltage waveforms in a He/O$_2$ mixture Project: SFB 1316Authors: Máté VassD. SchulenbergZoltán DonkóP. HartmannD. SteuerM. BökeV Schulz-von der GathenT. MussenbrockJ. SchulzeI. KorolovPlasma Modeling and Simulation zip
A new 2D fluid-MC hybrid approach for simulating nonequilibrium atmospheric pressure plasmas: density distribution of atomic oxygen in radio-frequency plasma jets in He/O2 mixtures Project: SFB 1316Authors: Máté VassD. SchulenbergZ. DonkóI. KorolovP. HartmannJ. SchulzeT. MussenbrockPlasma Modeling and Simulation csv
The effects of catalyst conductivity and loading of dielectric surface structures on plasma dynamics in patterned dielectric barrier discharges Authors: Constantin NeurothZaka-ul-islam MujahidB. BergerC. Oberste-BeulmannT. OppotschQuan-Zhi ZhangM. MuhlerT. MussenbrockI. KorolovJ. SchulzePlasma Science Fundamentals docx and dat
Nonlocal dynamics of secondary electrons in capacitively coupled radio frequency discharges Authors: K. NoesgesM. KlichB. HorvathJ. SchulzeR. P. BrinkmannT. MussenbrockS. WilczekA. DerzsiPlasma Modeling and Simulation 55x txt 3x zip
Metastable argon atom kinetics in a low-pressure capacitively coupled radio frequency discharge Project: SFB 1316Authors: Z. DonkóP. HartmannI. KorolovD. SchulenbergS. RohrS. RaufJ. SchulzePlasma Science Fundamentals 2x zip
Effects of a radial variation of surface coefficients on plasma uniformity in capacitive RF discharges Project: Individual ResearchAuthors: L.WangP. HartmannZ. DonkóY.-H. SongJ. SchulzePlasma Modeling and Simulation 4x zip
Zero-dimensional and pseudo-one-dimensional models of atmospheric-pressure plasma jets in binary and ternary mixtures of oxygen and nitrogen with helium background Project: SFB 1316Authors: Y. HeP. PreissingD. SteuerM. KlichV. Schultz-von der GathenM. BökeI. KorolovJ. SchulzeV. GuerraR. P. BrinkmannE. KemaneciPlasma Modeling and SimulationPlasma Chemical Processes 16x zip
The effects of the driving frequencies on micro atmospheric pressure He/N2 plasma jets driven by tailored voltage waveforms Project: SFB 1316Authors: G. HübnerL. BischoffI. KorolovZ. DonkóM. LeimkühlerY. LiuM. BökeV Schulz-von der GathenT. MussenbrockJ. SchulzePlasma Science Fundamentals 6x zip