Transportation behaviour of OH and H2O2 in plasma-treated water
Tuning plasma chemistry by various excitation mechanisms for the H2O2 production of atmospheric pressure plasma jets
Nitrogen fixation and H2O2 production by an atmospheric pressure plasma jet operated in He-H2O-N2-O2 gas mixtures
Production and transport of plasma-generated hydrogen peroxide from gas to liquid
Validation of in-situ diagnostics for the detection of OH and H2O2 in liquids treated by a humid atmospheric pressure plasma jet
Metastable argon atom kinetics in a low-pressure capacitively coupled radio frequency discharge
State enhanced actinometry in the COST microplasma jet
Modifications of an electrolytic aluminum oxide film under the treatment with microdischarges during plasma electrolytic oxidation, a self-organized dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) and a DBD-like plasma jet
SFB 1316