Plasma-driven biocatalysis using the cytochrome P450 enzyme CYP152BSβ Project: SFB 1316Authors: T. DirksS. KlopschD. StoesserS. D. TrenkleA. YayciS. SchüttlerJ. GoldaJ. BandowPlasma in Liquids 10x xlsx
The atmospheric pressure capillary plasma jet is well-suited to supply H2O2 for plasma-driven biocatalysis Project: SFB 1316Authors: T. DirksD. StoesserS. SchüttlerF. HollmannJ. GoldaJulia E. BandowPlasma in Liquids 9x xlsx
Excitation and dissociation of CO2 heavily diluted in noble gas atmospheric pressure plasmas Project: SFB 1316Authors: C. StewigS. SchüttlerT. UrbanietzM. BökeA. von KeudellPlasma Chemical Processes 4x xlsx