Plasma and flow simulation of a surface barrier discharge used for gas conversion benchmarked by Schlieren imaging Project: SFB 1316Authors: S. MohsenimehrS. WilczekT. MussenbrockA. von KeudellPlasma Science Fundamentals 2x zip
Interactions Between Flow Fields Induced by Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharge Arrays Project: SFB 1316Authors: A. BöddeckerM. PassmannS. WilczekL. SchückeI. KorolovR. SkodaT. MussenbrockA. R. GibsonP. Awakowicztemporal and spatial resolution, all data available in the paperPlasma Chemical Processes 5x .txt .out
Nonlocal dynamics of secondary electrons in capacitively coupled radio frequency discharges Authors: K. NoesgesM. KlichB. HorvathJ. SchulzeR. P. BrinkmannT. MussenbrockS. WilczekA. DerzsiPlasma Modeling and Simulation 55x txt 3x zip