Novel methods for determination and manipulation of surface charges performed on an atmospheric DBD microplasma Project: SFB 1316Authors: R. LabenskiD. SteuerH. van ImpelM. BökeV. Schulz-von der GathenJ. GoldaPlasma Science FundamentalsPlasma for Materials / Surfaces .txt
Dedicated setup to isolate plasma catalysis mechanisms Project: SFB 1316Authors: C. StewigT. UrbanietzL. ChauvetM. BökeA. von KeudellPlasma Chemical Processes 5x zip
Excitation and dissociation of CO2 heavily diluted in noble gas atmospheric pressure plasmas Project: SFB 1316Authors: C. StewigS. SchüttlerT. UrbanietzM. BökeA. von KeudellPlasma Chemical Processes 4x xlsx