Impact of catalysis on n-butane oxidation in an RF atmospheric pressure plasma Project: SFB 1316Authors: C. StewigL. ChauvetA. von KeudellPlasma Chemical Processes 3x data
Oxygen removal from a hydrocarbon containing gas stream by plasma catalysis Project: SFB 1316Authors: T. UrbanietzC. StewigM. BökeA. von KeudellPlasma Chemical Processes zip
Dedicated setup to isolate plasma catalysis mechanisms Project: SFB 1316Authors: C. StewigT. UrbanietzL. ChauvetM. BökeA. von KeudellPlasma Chemical Processes 5x zip
Excitation and dissociation of CO2 heavily diluted in noble gas atmospheric pressure plasmas Project: SFB 1316Authors: C. StewigS. SchüttlerT. UrbanietzM. BökeA. von KeudellPlasma Chemical Processes 4x xlsx