The zip archive contains csv-files with the data from the figures in the publication J Kuhfeld et al 2023 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 32 084001.
24 files in this archive
- fig2_exp_current.csv
- fig2_exp_voltage.csv
- fig2_sim_current.csv
- fig2_sim_voltage.csv
- fig3a_displacement_current.csv
- fig3a_electron_current.csv
- fig3a_ion_current.csv
- fig3b.csv
- fig3c.csv
- fig3d.csv
- fig4.csv
- fig5.csv
- fig6.csv
- fig7.csv
- fig8.csv
- fig9.csv
- fig10.csv
- fig11.csv
- fig12.csv
- fig13_bolsig.csv
- fig13_multibolt.csv
- fig13_PIC.csv
- fig14_experiment.csv
- fig14_model.csv